On Monday, Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu hinted that the industrial policy for 2024-2029 in Andhra Pradesh is set to target a 15 percent growth for the state’s economy. During a review of the preliminary industrial policy alongside Industries Minister T.G. Bharath and other senior officials, Naidu urged officials to seek input from Niti Aayog in shaping the policy direction. Emphasizing the need for Andhra Pradesh to be competitive among the top five states, he instructed officials to convene a meeting with industrialists on August 16. Reflecting on the previous industrial policy spanning from 2014 to 2019, which provided various incentives for entrepreneurs and focused on infrastructure development, Naidu urged officials to strive for Andhra Pradesh to lead in the Ease of Doing Business rankings. Pointing out the availability of raw materials in the state, he encouraged officials to explore methods for adding value to these resources.
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