The Telugu Indian Idol Singing Show has been a platform for showcasing numerous talented singers, having successfully completed two seasons already. The ongoing season 3 has left a lasting impression on the audience, with renowned music director Taman, popular singer Karthik, and the talented Geetamadhuri serving as judges, alongside the presence of many esteemed guests.
Moreover, the Aha OTT platform has been captivating viewers with its array of blockbuster movies, engaging web series, as well as riveting talk and game shows. The Telugu Indian Idol stage has been further enlivened by the recent addition of the young star Naveen Polishetty, who is set to grace episodes 21 and 22 of season 3.
During a recent appearance on the show, Naveen Polishetty shared his journey of overcoming adversity after a serious accident in the USA that left him with multiple fractures and grappling with depression. Reflecting on the challenges he faced during his recovery, Naveen expressed how music played a pivotal role in providing him solace and strength, highlighting the unwavering support he received from people during his trying times.
In addition to shedding light on his healing process, Naveen also gave a glimpse into his upcoming projects and captivated the audience with a live musical performance. Don’t miss out on witnessing Naveen’s inspiring presence on the upcoming episodes of Telugu Indian Idol season 3, airing this Friday and Saturday at 7 PM.
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