Power Star Pawan Kalyan has meticulously scheduled three upcoming movies, each already in the filming stage. Among these projects, “Oji,” helmed by director Sujith, stands out. Following the announcement of Sujith collaborating with Pawan Kalyan post his work on “Saahol” with Prabhas, anticipation from the audience for this movie has soared.
While presently serving as the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, doubts arose within the audience regarding Pawan Kalyan’s future in the film industry. However, his commitment to these three films suggests otherwise. Notably, “Oji” is nearing completion, showcasing Pawan Kalyan in a charismatic gangster role that has already captivated viewers with released teasers.
As Pawan Kalyan’s birthday on September 2 approaches, this year holds special significance due to his recent role as Deputy Chief Minister. Fans eagerly anticipate a grand celebration, with the “Ozzy” movie team planning to gift his followers the release of the first song on his birthday. Produced by DVV Danayya, “Oji” features Bollywood star Emraan Hashmi alongside Priyanka Arul Mohan as the female lead opposite Pawan, heightening the excitement for this action-packed entertainer.
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