Recent events have unfolded swiftly within the Karnataka Congress, with Chief Minister Siddaramaiah finding himself embroiled in a series of cases. The Muda and Valmiki scams have cast a shadow over his tenure, particularly the impact of the Valmiki scandal on both Telangana and Karnataka Congress leaders. Siddaramaiah’s admission of the diversion of Rs.180 crores from Karnataka government accounts and KTR’s allegations of Rs.45 crores being transferred to 9 accounts in Telangana have heightened the gravity of the situation.
The Valmiki corporation officer’s tragic suicide during the scam investigation and the subsequent arrest of 11 individuals by the ED have further intensified the scrutiny on the Congress leadership. Reports suggest that funds from the Valmiki scam may have been utilized during the Lok Sabha elections, prompting KTR to call for Rahul Gandhi’s intervention in the matter, implicating CM Revanth in the process.
As the pressure mounts on Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, aspirants for the CM position have intensified their efforts, contemplating a potential leadership change. Speculations about a ‘plan B’ within the Congress leadership regarding the succession of the CM’s chair have emerged. AICC chief Mallikarjuna Kharge, CM Siddaramaiah, Deputy CM D. K Sivakumar, and Karnataka in-charge Randeep Surjewala have held discussions on the matter, exploring scenarios if a change in leadership becomes necessary.
Rumors of a ‘rotational chief minister formula’ have circulated, suggesting that Shivakumar could assume the CM role after two and a half years, although the party has not officially confirmed this arrangement. The BJP’s response to the potential CM change has been critical, labeling it as a political maneuver akin to a ‘game of musical chairs’ within the Congress.
In contrast, AICC General Secretary KC Venugopal has refuted claims of an imminent change in the Karnataka CM position, affirming Siddaramaiah’s continuation as Chief Minister. He dismissed the campaign surrounding the alleged change as a BJP-led effort to destabilize the Congress government.
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