Recently, the movie Aranmanai 4 produced by Khushboo Sundar has made headlines by grossing an impressive Rs.100 crores at the box office. While basking in the success of her film, Khushboo has also been actively involved in the political arena. However, amidst her busy schedule, the veteran actress faced a setback as she sustained a serious injury. Taking to social media, Khushboo shared a post revealing her injury, showcasing a bandaged knee.
Khushboo Sundar, a former leading lady in the South Indian film industry, has captivated audiences across Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada cinema with her on-screen charm. Fans’ adoration for her beauty even led to the creation of a temple in her honor. Transitioning into character roles, Khushboo continues to shine on the silver screen and has delved into production as well.
The details surrounding Khushboo’s injury remain undisclosed, leaving fans curious about the incident. Despite the lack of specifics, Khushboo assured her followers that she is on the path to a speedy recovery. The post addressing her injury has garnered widespread attention on social media, with well-wishers and netizens offering prayers for her well-being. Alongside her film commitments, Khushboo remains an active figure in Tamil Nadu politics, holding a prominent role within the BJP.
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