Bollywood’s famous actress and MP Kangana Ranaut has once again found herself in the midst of a heated controversy, this time revolving around her upcoming film “Emergency.” The movie, in which Kangana plays the role of former Prime Minister Late Indira Gandhi, has stirred strong opposition, particularly from the Sikh community.
Recently, Kangana faced severe backlash after sharing details about the threats she received if the film is released without heeding certain demands. A video surfaced showing members of the Sikh community expressing vehement opposition to the portrayal of historical events related to Operation Blue Star and the depiction of Jarnail Singh Bindranwale.
Indira Gandhi’s assassination by her Sikh bodyguards following Operation Blue Star, an operation to remove separatists from the Golden Temple in Amritsar, remains a sensitive and painful chapter in Indian history. The Sikh community fears that Kangana’s film may portray separatists as terrorists, sparking outrage and calls for a ban on its release.
The controversy has escalated to the extent that Kangana has been receiving death threats, further intensifying the tensions surrounding the film. The situation has drawn attention not only for its implications on artistic freedom but also for the potential to reopen historical wounds and incite communal discord.
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