Chief Minister Revanth Reddy reiterated the details surrounding the two lakh farmer loan waiver scheme in Telangana, emphasizing that the conditions for eligibility apply to loans exceeding two lakhs. In a recent statement, CM Revanth also criticized former ministers KTR and Harish Rao for their handling of the loan waiver issue.
Revanth Reddy’s administration fulfilled the Congress party’s election promise by implementing the two lakh farmer loan waiver, disbursing the funds in three installments to farmers’ accounts. Despite these efforts, some farmers faced challenges receiving the waiver due to discrepancies in documentation such as ration cards, Aadhaar cards, and Pattadar passbooks. Additionally, farmers with loans exceeding two lakhs expressed concerns over the lack of waiver, leading to protests.
Addressing these issues, CM Revanth clarified that loans above two lakhs would be subject to the waiver upon repayment. He assured that all eligible farmers would receive the benefit and announced that over 17 thousand 933 crores had been deposited thus far. To address outstanding grievances, farmers were urged to submit their concerns at Collectorates for resolution.
In a separate development, CM Revanth Reddy admonished KTR and Harish Rao for their approach to the loan waiver, accusing them of misleading farmers. Harish Rao’s challenge to the waiver process was met with criticism, with allegations that he failed to fulfill his commitment to resign if the loans were not waived. CM Revanth called for improved coordination and data collection efforts between Harish Rao, KTR, and the Collectorate to streamline the loan waiver process.
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