Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter, Navya Naveli Nanda, recently announced her admission to the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), but the news was met with skepticism by some netizens. Despite the criticism, a professor from the esteemed institution has come forward to endorse Navya’s credentials.
Navya shared her excitement on Instagram with a post saying, “Dreams do come true! The next 2 years… with the best people and faculty. Blended Post Graduate Programme (BPGP) Class of 2026,” along with some photos.
However, some social media users downplayed her achievement, questioning whether it was a ‘real’ MBA and speculating if she had gained admission through a ‘quota’.
In response, Promila Agarwal, an associate professor at IIM-A, defended Navya on social media platform X, stating, “She has a solid CV, by the way. You don’t necessarily need CAT. Regardless, hats off to everyone for being courageous enough to sign up for a rigorous program. PS: Just like other students, looking forward to her posts cribbing about hard life at IIM-A.”
Navya, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Digital Technology and UX Design from Fordham University, USA, manages part of her family business and runs a non-profit organization called Project Naveli.
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