Fish Venkat, known for his roles as a comedy villain in numerous Telugu films, is currently facing a challenging time. Struggling with severe health issues, Fish Venkat’s entire leg is infected, and both his kidneys are damaged, leading to his long-term dialysis treatment at Nims Hospital. Despite opportunities in the film industry, his health constraints have confined him to his home, posing significant difficulties for his family.
Recently, Fish Venkat’s plight gained attention when a popular channel highlighted his distressing condition during an interview, where he made a heartfelt plea for assistance. The emotional response from fans and netizens prompted initiatives to support the Venkat family, with notable producer Chadalavada Srinivasa Rao stepping in to offer financial aid of one lakh rupees. The support extended by TFPC officials further underscored the solidarity within the film community towards helping Fish Venkat and his family.
In a touching moment, Fish Venkat expressed his gratitude towards Chadalavada Srinivasa Rao and other donors, acknowledging their generosity and pledging eternal gratitude for their assistance. His emotional appeal for blessings reflects the profound impact of the community’s support during his challenging times.
The film industry, along with fans and well-wishers, continues to advocate for collective support towards Fish Venkat and his family, emphasizing the importance of standing together in times of need.
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