Actress Tamannaah Bhatia recently faced backlash after sharing a series of images from a Radha-Krishna-themed photoshoot in collaboration with a well-known fashion designer. Critics accused the actress and the brand of “sexualizing” Radha, leading Tamannaah to delete the photos in response.
The controversy began when Tamannaah appeared in designer Karan Torani’s “Lecla: The Divine Illusion of Love” campaign, which portrayed the different stages of love between Lord Krishna and Radha. While the initial response praised Tamannaah for embodying the essence of Radha, a section of netizens quickly expressed outrage, condemning both her and the designer. One angry post read, “Stop sexualizing the purest relationship of Radha Rani and Shree Krishna for your sales! You m****s! How dare you @tamannaahspeaks & @toraniofficial.” Another user criticized, “Once again, Bollywood is using cheap content to defame Hindu gods—what even is modern-day Radha?”
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