In a groundbreaking initiative, Kondareddypalli, the hometown of Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, is on the path to becoming the first fully solarized village in the state. The village is gearing up to make history with its transition to solar energy.
Officials have conducted surveys and received instructions from CM Revanth Reddy to propel Kondareddypalli towards complete solarization. The authorities have commenced the process of transforming the village into a model solar community.
A recent visit by TGSPDCL Chairman MD Musharraf Farooqui, Nagarkurnool District Collector Santhosh, Redco VC, MD Anila, Company Director K Ramulu, and other departmental heads showcased the commitment to this eco-friendly endeavor. The village currently hosts a diverse range of consumers, including households, commercial entities, and agricultural operations, all of whom are eager to embrace solar power.
Villagers, farmers, and local representatives have been engaged in discussions about the pilot project, with plans underway to estimate the solar power capacity required for the village and prepare the necessary Detailed Project Report (DPR).
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