An appalling tragedy struck Madhya Pradesh when a BMW car collided with two young women on a bike, leading to their untimely deaths. The incident occurred as Lakshmithomar (24) and Deeksha Jadan (25) were returning from the Khazrana Ganesh temple in Indore. The high-speed collision caused both women to be thrown into the air, resulting in fatal injuries. Despite being rushed to the hospital, they tragically succumbed to their wounds.
The driver of the BMW, identified as Gajendra Pratap Singh (28), fled the scene after the accident. Authorities swiftly initiated a search for the culprit, and a case has been registered against both the owner and the driver of the vehicle. The preliminary investigation revealed that the driver was on the wrong route, leading to the fatal crash.
The families of the victims are devastated by the loss, with Lakshmithomar’s family already grappling with the passing of her father the previous year. The burden of supporting the family now falls on her, adding to the grief of losing their sole provider. Deeksha Jadon, who worked in a public sector bank in Indore, leaves behind a similar sense of loss and sorrow.
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