On the occasion of Prime Minister Modi’s 74th birthday on September 17 (Tuesday), BlueCraft Digital Foundation has announced the launch of the ‘Vikasit Bharat Fellowship’ program. The foundation, under the leadership of CEO Akhilesh Mishra, is set to provide 25 fellowships annually to professionals, academics, and talented individuals. These fellowships will focus on various forms of literature that showcase the essence of India, including non-fiction books, essays, children’s literature, and social themes.
The Vikasit Bharat Fellowship program is structured into three tiers: BlueCraft Associate Fellowship, BlueCraft Senior Fellowship, and BlueCraft Exclusive Fellowship Program. Each tier offers monthly scholarships, ranging from Rs.75 thousand to Rs.2 lakh, along with enhanced facilities for the selected candidates. The program aims to provide a platform for interaction with subject matter experts and renowned guides to further develop the research and work of the fellows.
CEO Akhilesh Mishra expressed that the Vikasit Bharat Fellowship is a historic initiative that aligns with Prime Minister Modi’s vision of growth and progress. The program aims to support the Prime Minister’s policies through research, writing, and discussions facilitated by experienced mentors and thought leaders.
In addition to the fellowship program, BlueCraft Digital Foundation has also announced the establishment of a Publishing and Knowledge Center dedicated to producing high-quality publications that resonate with the vision of a modern, developing India as envisioned by Prime Minister Modi.
Interested candidates can apply for the Vikasit Bharat Fellowship program until November 1, 2024, by visiting the foundation’s website at www.bluekraft.in/fellowship. Hitesh Jain, Director of BlueCraft Digital Foundation, emphasized the importance of sharing knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing dialogue on social development in the country.
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