Basavatarakam Hospital, founded by the renowned Nandamuri Balakrishna, stands as a beacon of hope for many impoverished individuals in need of medical aid. Balakrishna, known not just for his stellar performances on screen but also for his dedicated service as a Member of the Legislative Assembly, goes above and beyond to address the challenges faced by the people in his constituency.
The spirit of benevolence exhibited by Balakrishna is mirrored by his devoted fans, who actively engage in acts of service and philanthropy. Whether it’s organizing food drives on Balakrishna’s birthday or coordinating blood donation camps on special occasions, the fans spare no effort in contributing to the community’s welfare.
A testament to Balakrishna’s compassionate nature, his fans recently united to save the life of a child in dire need. Aarushi, a 20-month-old baby from Koritical village, was diagnosed with a tumor requiring surgical intervention. Despite multiple surgeries and mounting medical expenses, Aarushi’s parents found themselves in need of financial support for her chemotherapy treatment.
Moved by the family’s plight, Nandamuri Balakrishna’s fans swiftly came to their aid, offering a generous financial contribution towards Aarushi’s medical care. The collective efforts of Balakrishna’s supporters have not only provided immediate relief to the family but also sparked a call to action for additional donors to step forward and assist in saving Aarushi’s life.
In a heartwarming display of unity and compassion, Balakrishna’s fans rally behind the cause, urging individuals to contribute towards Aarushi’s treatment expenses. Those willing to support the initiative can make donations through Google Pay using the provided account details: 39905920603 IFSC-SBI 011984 or 6300355536 (Ravi’s father).
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