Minister Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy, in a recent video conference with District Collectors, unveiled a series of progressive steps aimed at benefiting the people of Telangana. One of the key announcements was the directive to expedite the allocation of double bedroom houses to eligible individuals before the auspicious occasion of Dussehra.
Under the leadership of the Revanth Reddy government, Minister Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy, along with CS Shantikumari, engaged in a comprehensive review session with District Collectors via video conference. The discussions encompassed crucial topics such as the survey of family digital cards, urban expansion proposals, resolution of land regularization applications, selection of double-bedroom house beneficiaries, and the establishment of grain purchase centers.
Highlighting the need for an experimental survey, Minister Ponguleti suggested conducting meticulous inspections in two villages within each assembly constituency to issue digital cards. The objective is to create a health profile for every family in Telangana, irrespective of their economic status, by assigning a unique smart card number.
Furthermore, Minister Ponguleti emphasized the timely distribution of previously completed double bedroom houses to the rightful recipients before Dussehra. A committee, comprising the district in-charge minister as chairman, the district collector as convener, and other members, will oversee this process.
In a bid to streamline land regularization applications, Minister Ponguleti instructed officials to proactively address these issues. Additionally, plans are underway to establish at least one purchase center in each mandal by the 15th of this month, with separate facilities for fine and coarse grains. Minister Ponguleti proposed a bonus scheme for fine grains and stressed the importance of providing adequate infrastructure at these purchase centers.
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