There’s been growing excitement among Pawan Kalyan fans as Ustad Bhagat Singh has become the talk of the town. The film is trending, and it’s the third project where Powerstar has donned special makeup for his character, adding to the anticipation surrounding its release.
Until recently, many were unsure about the details of this project. However, with the buzz intensifying, fans and media alike have now confirmed that Ustad Bhagat Singh is indeed the film that has everyone talking. Directed by the renowned Harish Shankar, the film is expected to follow in the footsteps of Gabbar Singh, the iconic collaboration between Pawan Kalyan and Shankar that captured the hearts of millions.
The movie has been making waves for some time, and there were rumors circulating about it being a remake of the popular Tamil film Teri starring Vijay. Harish Shankar, however, has been vocal about the fact that Ustad Bhagat Singh has no connection to Teri, reassuring fans that it is an original script, and the project stands apart from other films.
Recently, writer Dasharath confirmed that Ustad Bhagat Singh is on track and that once Pawan Kalyan completes his work on two other major films, Atu Hariharaveeramallu and Itu Oji, he will shift focus to Ustad Bhagat Singh. Dasharath added that the film’s team is already working on the script, and once the Powerstar’s call sheets are available, shooting for the film will commence in full force. This has been a major reassurance to fans who have been eagerly awaiting more updates about the film.
With the involvement of Harish Shankar and Powerstar Pawan Kalyan, Ustad Bhagat Singh promises to be one of the biggest projects in Telugu cinema. Fans are excited about the pairing, and the director-actor combo has already set high expectations. Keep an eye on this trending project as more details unfold in the coming months.
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