India mourns the loss of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, who passed away at the age of 92 after battling health issues. Known for his intellect, humility, and commitment to public service, Dr. Singh served as the Prime Minister of India for the longest tenure, leaving an indelible mark on the country.
Dr. Singh’s contributions as both Finance Minister and Prime Minister were instrumental in shaping modern India’s economic policies and governance. Leaders across the political spectrum, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the President, Vice President, and Chief Ministers of various states, have expressed their heartfelt condolences. His funeral will be conducted with full state honors as a mark of respect for his unparalleled service to the nation.
A Film Based on Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Life
Did you know that a movie has been made about Dr. Manmohan Singh’s tenure as Prime Minister?
The 2019 biopic The Accidental Prime Minister captures the political journey of Dr. Singh during his tenure as the 13th Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. Directed by Ratnakar Gutte and written by Mayank Tiwari, the film is based on the book The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh by Sanjaya Baru, his former media advisor.
Veteran actor Anupam Kher portrayed Dr. Singh with great finesse, earning widespread acclaim for his performance. The movie delves into the challenges faced by Dr. Singh during his tenure, highlighting pivotal moments in Indian politics. Produced by Bohra Brothers and Pen India Limited, the film was released on January 11, 2019, alongside the blockbuster Uri: The Surgical Strike. Despite controversies, it grossed ₹4.5 crores on its opening day.
Currently streaming on Zee5, the movie is available in Hindi with English subtitles, providing viewers a glimpse into the life of a leader who shaped India’s political narrative.
Dr. Manmohan Singh’s passing marks the end of an era. His contributions to India’s growth and the values he upheld will continue to inspire generations.
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