
Vastu Guidelines for House Gates: Placement and Significance


In the context of Vastu guidelines for house gates, it is emphasized that errors in gate placement, whether intentional or unintentional, can lead to adverse effects. Therefore, it is advised to exercise caution when arranging the gate of a house to avoid contravening Vastu principles. Vastu principles should be diligently followed in all aspects of house construction, with consultations with Vastu experts being integral to the building process. Not only limited to the house itself, Vastu experts suggest that the influence of Vastu extends from the initial stages of construction to the very placement of the gate.

Regarding specific Vastu rules for gates, it is recommended that for houses facing north, a large gate should be positioned in the northeast direction. Additionally, Vastu experts recommend a smaller gate in Simhadwaram and advise against placing gates in the northwest direction to prevent possible negative repercussions. In cases where roads intersect from the east and north directions, it is deemed beneficial to have two gates.

For houses with north and west facing roads, gates should be oriented towards the north. Aligning a gate in the east or northeast direction is believed to bring positive outcomes such as the potential for a son, auspicious marriage ceremonies, and career advancement. Conversely, setting up gates in the east or southeast is discouraged.

In the event of placing a gate on the southern side, it is suggested to position it anywhere between the mid-south to south-southeast. Proper placement of the Padmara guard gate is crucial, avoiding the southwest side of Padmara at all costs. Vastu scholars recommend against having pillars or boreholes in front of the gate and emphasize the importance of selecting appropriate colors for the gate, particularly advising against the use of black.


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