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265 Articles

Gold Prices Surge Amid Consumer Concerns: Latest Updates

Gold prices are hitting new highs, causing concerns among consumers as rates continue to climb. The sudden surge in paddy prices and the...


Realme Launches Pad 2 Lite Tab in India: Features, Price, and More

Realme, the Chinese electronics giant, has introduced the Pad 2 Lite tab in the Indian market, offering a budget-friendly option packed with impressive...


Government Lifts Minimum Price for Onion and Basmati Rice Exports to Boost Farmers’ Income

The central government has made a significant decision to lift the minimum price for onion and basmati rice exports, aiming to enhance exports...


Gold and Silver Prices Skyrocket in India: Latest Updates

iscover the latest upheaval in the gold and silver markets across India as prices witness unprecedented fluctuations. Stay ahead of the curve with...