Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav recently revealed the much-anticipated Vande Bharat Sleeper train, signaling a new era in Indian railway travel. Designed by BEML, this futuristic train is poised to redefine the standards of luxury and efficiency in train travel.
With a total of 16 coaches, including 11 AC 3 tier coaches, 4 AC 2 tier coaches, and exclusive AC first-class coaches, the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train boasts a capacity to accommodate 823 passengers. This includes 611 berths in AC 3 tier, 188 in AC 2 tier, and 24 in AC 1 class.
One of the standout features of the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train is its impressive maximum speed of 160 kmph. As an automatic train, it exemplifies the latest in rail technology and design. According to Indian Railways, the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train meets world-class standards, incorporating European-grade features such as GFRP panels, automatic passenger doors, and sensor-based inner doors.
Passenger comfort is a top priority on the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train, with ergonomically designed toilets that ensure a pleasant and odor-free experience. The train also offers a range of passenger-friendly amenities, including USB charging ports, integrated reading lights, and specially designed berths for disabled passengers.
Safety is paramount on the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train, with crash buffers, couplers, and advanced systems in place to prevent dust ingress and electrical shocks. Additionally, the train features modern facilities such as modular toilets, pantries, display panels, and security cameras to enhance the overall travel experience.
In a nod to luxury, the first-class AC cabins on the Vande Bharat Sleeper Train are equipped with hot water showers, adding a touch of indulgence to the journey.
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