If stomach health is not good, mood is also not good. Stomach pain, indigestion, and constipation are common problems due to gastrointestinal disorders. While gas and heartburn may occur frequently, the root cause often lies in poor eating habits. Symptoms such as indigestion tend to arise after consuming foods that are oily, spicy, and laden with preservatives.
To combat digestive issues, it is essential to modify eating habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Incorporating Ayurvedic principles can aid in preventing indigestion and promoting better digestive health. Avoiding heavy, fatty foods during lunch and dinner can significantly reduce digestive discomfort and help manage weight effectively.
Daily physical activity, such as walking for at least 30 minutes after meals, can aid in digestion and mitigate the risks of various health conditions. Additionally, ensuring an adequate amount of sleep (7-8 hours per night) is crucial for preventing gas, heartburn, and other related problems. Sufficient sleep also plays a key role in reducing the likelihood of developing diabetes, obesity, and depression.
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