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251 Articles

Understanding Brain Stroke: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

With rising cases of brain strokes, it's crucial to recognize the symptoms and understand the risks. Factors like high blood pressure, stress, and...


The Chicken Dilemma: Enjoying the Benefits While Avoiding Health Hazards

Chicken is a favorite for many, offering numerous health benefits, but moderation is key. Consuming chicken daily can be detrimental, especially when paired...


Unlock the Hidden Benefits of Guava Leaves: A Health Powerhouse

While guava is well-known for its health benefits, the leaves often go unnoticed. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, guava leaves can...


Unlocking the Secrets of Tippatiga: The Super Herb of Ayurveda

Tippatiga, a plant from the genus Padu, is celebrated in Ayurveda for its incredible health benefits, often compared to nectar. This super herb...