Prasar Bharti in New Delhi has recently announced a notification to fill 70 vacant Technical Assistant posts on a contractual basis at Doordarshan News Department, Doordarshan Centre. Eligible candidates with a Diploma/Degree in Radio/Telecommunication/Electrical/IT/Electronics/Electronics and Communication specialization and a minimum of two years work experience are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to Apprentices in Broadcasting and Doordarshan, with an age limit not exceeding 35 years.
The selection process will involve a written test and interview. Interested candidates must submit their applications within 15 days of the notification date, which was August 29, 2024. The selected candidates will work in the Doordarshan News Department at Doordarshan Centre, Delhi, with a monthly salary of up to Rs.40,000. For further details, applicants are advised to refer to the official notification.
The availability of these Technical Assistant positions has sparked significant interest among job seekers, especially the youth, leading to a high volume of applications each time a notification is released.
In a related development, the Department of Higher Education has issued a notification to fill the Vice Chancellor (VC) positions in 17 universities in Andhra Pradesh. Interested individuals are required to apply before September 28. These vacancies arose due to the resignation of the VCs following the change in government. Applications for these positions will be accepted both offline and online. Detailed information regarding the vacancies, university names, and application procedures can be found on the official website.
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