An accident has reportedly occurred on a Bollywood film set, leaving several individuals injured, including Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor, actress Rakul Preet Singh’s husband and producer Jackky Bhagnani. The incident took place during a shooting session on January 18, and the current movie shoot has been halted as a result. Fortunately, no fatalities have been reported, but there has been some property damage.
Accidents are not uncommon on film sets, but fortunately, many incidents end with the safety of the crew and cast. However, there have been cases in the past where tragic accidents led to injuries or even fatalities. The recent incident occurred on the set of a film being shot in Mumbai. Arjun Kapoor, the lead actor, and producer Jackky Bhagnani were reportedly injured when part of the ceiling collapsed during the shoot. The film, titled “Mere Husband Ki JIV,” stars Arjun Kapoor and is produced by Jackky Bhagnani. The film also features actresses Rakul Preet Singh and Bhumi Pednekar.
The accident took place in an old building in Mumbai while the team was filming. Despite the collapse, there were no serious injuries reported, though property damage was sustained. Sources reveal that the safety checks on the set were inadequate, and the production team failed to properly inspect the location.
The Federation of Western India Cine Employees president, Tiwari, confirmed that no one was seriously injured and mentioned that the shoot has been paused for now. Fans and celebrities alike have expressed their well-wishes for Arjun Kapoor and Jackky Bhagnani’s quick recovery.
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