Bollywood beauty Kriti Sanon, who has been riding high on the success of her career, recently found herself at the center of social media trolling. Despite being recognized as one of the finest actresses in the industry today, having even bagged the prestigious National Award for her performance in Mimi, Kriti is being trolled for her dance moves in her latest film Do Patti. Netizens have drawn comparisons between her performance in the song Akiya De Kol and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s iconic moves from Crazy Kiare in the 2006 film Dhoom 2.
Kriti’s Rise to Stardom:
Kriti Sanon, a name synonymous with versatility and charm, has made significant strides in Bollywood. She made her Telugu debut with One: Nenokkadine opposite Mahesh Babu and later starred in Dochay. Her powerful portrayal in Mimi not only earned her accolades but also the coveted National Best Actress Award. Additionally, she lit up the screen last year with Prabhas in Adipurush, portraying the iconic character of Seethamma.
‘Do Patti’ and the Controversy:
Kriti’s latest venture, Do Patti, is a suspense thriller where she not only plays a dual role but also serves as a co-producer. The film, which also stars veteran actress Kajol, is set to be released on Netflix on October 25. However, just days before the premiere, the song Akiya De Kol from the film sparked controversy.
Choreographed by Vijay Ganguly, the song features Kriti dancing energetically, but viewers quickly noticed that her steps seemed reminiscent of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s performance in the song Crazy Kiare from Dhoom 2. In that 2006 hit, Aishwarya and Hrithik Roshan wowed audiences with their flawless and graceful dance moves. The song remains a fan favorite, and comparisons were inevitable once Akiya De Kol hit the screens.
Social Media Reactions:
As soon as the song was released, social media was flooded with comments. Many pointed out that Kriti’s dance seemed heavily inspired by Aishwarya’s iconic moves in Crazy Kiare. Though some fans defended Kriti, praising her performance and energy, others accused her of copying the timeless performance of Aishwarya Rai.
One netizen commented, “Kriti is a great dancer, but why copy something so iconic? It was bound to draw comparisons.” Another user noted, “Aishwarya’s grace in Crazy Kiare is unforgettable. Kriti should have done something original.”
Kriti’s Response and What to Expect:
Though Kriti has yet to officially respond to the trolling, it is clear that her focus is on the success of Do Patti. With the film set to stream on Netflix, Kriti is determined to shine as both an actress and a producer. Co-starring alongside the talented Kajol, and with the inclusion of popular TV actor Shaheer Sheikh, who makes his Bollywood debut in this film, the movie has already garnered a lot of attention.
Regardless of the criticism, Kriti continues to impress with her dedication to her craft and her fearless approach to experimenting with different roles. As Do Patti gears up for release, fans are eagerly awaiting to see if the film can live up to the hype, and whether Kriti’s performance will silence her critics.
While the comparisons to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s iconic dance from Dhoom 2 have drawn attention, it’s essential to acknowledge Kriti Sanon’s evolving career and undeniable talent. With Do Patti just around the corner, Kriti’s fans are excited to witness her powerful dual role and her first venture as a producer. Will the film’s release on October 25 change the narrative? Only time will tell.
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