A street food vendor from Tenali, Megaverth Chiranjeevi, was extended a special invitation by Rashtrapati Bhavan to partake in the Independence Day festivities in New Delhi on August 15. With 24 years of experience in the trade, Megaverth managed his business by availing loans of varying amounts under the Pradhan Mantri Svanidhi Yojana, which he diligently repaid. His dedication and integrity not only garnered praise but also secured him the coveted invitation to the Independence Day celebrations in the capital. Overwhelmed with joy, Megaverth expressed his gratitude, stating, “I am incredibly thrilled by this unexpected honor. Having watched the celebrations on TV and listened to radio broadcasts in the past, being there in person is a dream come true. I am thankful to Rashtrapati Bhavan for this rare opportunity given to an ordinary individual like myself.” He further remarked, “This gesture exemplifies President Droupadi Murmu’s compassion for the common citizens of our nation.”
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