Mamita Baiju, known for her captivating performance in the Malayalam hit film “Premalu,” has been riding high on the wave of success in the South Indian film industry. The romantic comedy entertainer, which garnered praise in Malayalam, has found a welcoming audience in Telugu as well. Mamita Baiju’s portrayal of the film’s heroine not only impressed viewers but also earned her a dedicated following.
The success of “Premalu” has opened doors for Mamita Baiju, leading to a slew of promising offers in both Telugu and Tamil cinema. Rumors are rife that she is set to star alongside a young hero in Tollywood, with whispers suggesting a possible role as Vijay’s sister in an upcoming Tamil movie.
Speaking of Vijay, the renowned actor recently enjoyed success with his film “Goat,” which garnered widespread acclaim and box office success. As he gears up for his next venture directed by H Vinod, tentatively titled “Vijay 69,” the cast is already shaping up to be a star-studded affair. Pooja Hegde is set to play the lead heroine, and Mamita Baiju’s potential inclusion in the film has generated significant buzz among fans.
Produced by Venkat K Narayanan under the banner of KVN Productions, “Vijay 69” promises to be a cinematic treat for audiences. With co-producers Jagadish Palaniswami and Lohit NK on board and music maestro Anirudh Ravichander composing the soundtrack, the film is poised to be a visual and auditory delight.
The shooting for “Vijay 69” is slated to commence in the first week of October this year, with a projected theatrical release date set for October 2025. The anticipation surrounding Mamita Baiju’s involvement in the project, alongside Vijay and Pooja Hegde, has piqued the interest of cinephiles eagerly awaiting this cinematic spectacle.
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