Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s latest movie, “Mr. Bachchan,” directed by Harish Shankar, created a buzz as it hit theaters on Independence Day. The film, featuring Bhagyashree Bhorse as the leading lady and Siddhu Jonnala Gadda in a pivotal role, was anticipated by fans for its commercial action-packed entertainment.
Despite high expectations, “Mr. Bachchan” received mixed reviews from the audience from its initial screenings. While it struggled to leave a significant mark at the box office, Ravi Teja’s dynamic performance, Bhagyashree’s charm, captivating songs, and thrilling action sequences managed to garner moderate collections.
Amidst the lukewarm theatrical response, the news broke that Netflix secured the digital streaming rights for “Mr. Bachchan.” The deal, reportedly worth around twenty-five crores for the southern languages, was finalized even before the movie’s release. With Ravi Teja’s popularity and Harish Shankar’s reputation, Netflix’s move to acquire the rights hints at the potential of the film in the digital space.
Given the underwhelming theatrical run, plans are underway to bring “Mr. Bachchan” to OTT platforms at the earliest, aiming for a release on Netflix from September 12. An official announcement regarding this transition is expected in the first week of September.
Produced by TG Vishwa Prasad and Vivek Kuchibotla under the People’s Media Factory banner, “Mr. Bachchan” boasts a stellar cast including Jagapathi Babu as the antagonist, along with notable performances by comedian Satya, Praveen, Jhunsi, Sachin Khedkar, Chammak Chandra, and others in significant roles.
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