The excitement is palpable as NTR along with the movie team intensifies their promotional efforts for the much-anticipated pan India movie, “Devara.” Recently, a press meet was held in Chennai where NTR shared intriguing insights about the film. Directed by the renowned Koratala Siva, “Devara” is set to captivate audiences with its unique storyline released in two parts. The star-studded cast includes Janhvi Kapoor as the leading lady and Saif Ali Khan as the menacing villain, adding to the anticipation surrounding the film.
NTR’s portrayal of dual roles, as both a father and son in “Devara,” promises a compelling cinematic experience. The recently unveiled trailer has already generated considerable buzz, raising expectations for the movie’s release scheduled for September 27 worldwide. Notably, during the press meet in Chennai, NTR expressed his desire to collaborate with Tamil director Vetri Maran, a statement that has sparked enthusiasm among fans.
Vetri Maran reciprocated the sentiment, hinting at a potential collaboration with NTR in the near future. The prospect of this partnership has further heightened the anticipation surrounding “Devara,” with fans eagerly awaiting its release to witness the cinematic magic unfold on screen.
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