In a dramatic turn of events, Teja and Hariteja were eliminated in the latest episode of Bigg Boss, while Avinash triumphed in the...
Our VizagNovember 2, 2024Dolly Dhanunjay, known for his role as Jali Reddy in "Pushpa," announces his upcoming marriage to Dhanyata, with a grand engagement recently celebrated.
Our VizagNovember 2, 2024Renowned for her hit songs, Nora Fatehi opens up about the struggles she faced at the start of her career, revealing that she...
Our VizagNovember 2, 2024Tollywood choreographer Johnny Master, recently released on bail after a 33-day stint in jail for sexual harassment allegations, shares joyful Diwali moments with...
Our VizagNovember 2, 2024