Poorna, known for captivating Telugu audiences with her beauty, is none other than Shamna Kasim, popularly known as Purna Allari. Her transition from being a sought-after heroine to a versatile character artist has been remarkable. Starting with her breakthrough role in ‘Seema Tapakai’ alongside Naresh, Purna’s talent and charm quickly earned her a place in the hearts of Malayali and Telugu viewers alike.
Despite facing a shift in opportunities, Poorna embraced her new phase in the industry with grace. From starring in films like ‘Silly Fellows’, ‘Akhanda’, and ‘Drisham 2’ to taking on the role of a judge on the small screen, she has showcased her versatility and dedication to her craft. Her recent portrayal as the villain’s wife in the blockbuster movie ‘Dussehra’, featuring Nani and Keerthi Suresh, further cemented her position as a prominent figure in the industry.
Away from the cameras, Poorna embarked on a personal milestone last year as she welcomed a baby boy with her husband, marking a new chapter in her life. Despite this joyous occasion, she wasted no time in returning to her passion, supported by her husband’s encouragement to pursue her career wholeheartedly even after marriage.
Currently, Poorna continues to shine as a judge on the latest season of Dhee, proving that her influence extends beyond the silver screen. With a successful career spanning years and a growing presence in both cinema and television, Poorna’s journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists and established professionals alike.
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