Veteran actor Prakash Raj, known for his versatile performances across Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi cinema, recently revealed his favorite actor in Tollywood. At the success meet for the blockbuster film Devara, Prakash Raj expressed his deep admiration for NTR Jr., popularly known as the “Man of Masses.” Directed by Koratala Siva, Devara has become a sensational hit, raking in huge collections at the box office and cementing its place as one of the top-grossing movies this year.
Devara, which will be released in two parts, has captured the audience’s attention with its powerful performances and gripping storyline. The movie’s success was celebrated with a grand press meet, attended by key members of the film fraternity, including NTR Jr., director Koratala Siva, Srikanth, SS Rajamouli, Anirudh Ravichander, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Dil Raju, and of course, Prakash Raj himself.
During the event, Prakash Raj praised NTR Jr., stating, “Tarak is my favorite actor in Telugu cinema.” He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the audience for their support and success of Devara and lauded NTR Jr. for his unwavering belief in director Koratala Siva’s vision. He further added, “What I liked about this movie was the idea that Shiva gave and Tarak who believed in it.”
Prakash Raj, who played a pivotal role in Devara, also shared a touching moment, recalling how proud he felt when NTR Jr. spoke at the prestigious Oscars ceremony earlier this year. “I was sitting at home, watching Tarak speak at the Oscars, and I felt immense pride,” said Prakash Raj. He highlighted NTR Jr.’s dedication and loyalty to his directors, adding that it was this quality that makes him stand out in the Telugu film industry.
Prakash Raj’s admiration for NTR Jr. didn’t stop there. He mentioned that he has a lot of love and respect for the actor, praising him for standing by Koratala Siva throughout the making of the film. “I always say that if there’s one hero I like the most in Telugu cinema, it is Tarak,” Prakash Raj concluded, further cementing his affection for the actor.
With Devara setting new benchmarks in Tollywood and Prakash Raj openly expressing his fondness for NTR Jr., this duo’s collaboration has certainly struck a chord with the audience. Fans are now eagerly awaiting the release of the second part of Devara, which promises to deliver more action, drama, and stellar performances.
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