Priyanka Chopra delighted her followers this weekend by sharing a series of adorable photos celebrating “Diwaloween” with her family! The Citadel star, along with husband Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie, embraced the holiday spirit with a blend of Diwali warmth and Halloween fun.
In the first photo, Priyanka rocked a chic brown crop top, showing off her toned abs in a festive selfie that radiated confidence and joy. Next, she shared a sweet moment from her cozy living room, lounging in a relaxed white T-shirt while Malti doodled nearby, and Nick chilled on the sofa.
But the most heartwarming detail? Malti proudly held an Indian Barbie doll dressed in a stunning black lehenga choli, adorned with golden earrings—a beautiful nod to Indian culture that added to the family’s special celebration. The “Diwaloween” vibe was a blend of heritage, family love, and fun, capturing the unique spirit of Priyanka’s global family.
Fans were quick to comment on the adorable photos, praising the blend of Indian and American traditions. This “Diwaloween” moment was a beautiful reminder of how Priyanka and Nick continue to celebrate their diverse backgrounds and create a festive, inclusive environment for Malti!
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