Amid widespread national outrage over the recent incident, disturbingly obscene posts are being circulated by certain individuals targeting the victim. Tollywood actor Manchu Manoj took to Twitter to condemn those sharing such content. The appalling attack on the young doctor in Kolkata has sparked fury nationwide, with calls for swift justice against the perpetrator. Medical professionals have voiced their protest, while prominent figures in the entertainment and political spheres are also demanding accountability.
In contrast to the collective anger, a faction of individuals is engaging in abhorrent online behavior directed at the victim. Manchu Manoj urged action against those responsible for disseminating such graphic material. The failure to safeguard women in vulnerable situations is a source of profound sorrow, compounded by the impunity enjoyed by those spreading malicious content. Efforts must be made to hold accountable those behind the despicable posts related to the Kolkata tragedy. Manchu Manoj emphasized the need to reject and address this damaging cultural trend.
Celebrities from Tollywood, Bollywood, and Kollywood have joined in condemning the Kolkata incident, advocating for severe punishment for the accused. The brutal assault and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor at RG Kar Hospital in Kolkata has shocked the nation. Postmortem findings revealed evidence of physical trauma on the victim’s body, underscoring the gravity of the crime.
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