Shruti Haasan, the talented actress and daughter of superstar Kamal Haasan, recently took to social media to share a heartwarming moment she experienced while filming in Vizag. Despite facing challenges in her personal and professional life, Shruti found solace and joy in dancing in the rain.
The actress, known for her love of dance and music, expressed her happiness as rain poured down while she was relaxing in her hotel room. Unable to resist the allure of the rain, Shruti stepped outside with a friend and danced gleefully amidst the downpour. She even posted a video of their impromptu dance session on her social media accounts.
In her post, Shruti reflected on the beauty of nature and the simple joys it can bring, especially during tough times. She emphasized the importance of embracing happiness and spontaneity, captioning the video with a message of positivity and resilience.
Currently, Shruti Haasan is busy shooting for the movie “Coolie” in Vizag, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The film features the legendary Rajinikanth in the lead role, with Shruti playing his on-screen daughter.
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