Popular Kannada actress Srinidhi Shetty, who made a mark with her stellar performance in the blockbuster KGF series, is all set to expand her horizons in the Telugu film industry. The talented model-turned-actress has signed several exciting Telugu projects, showcasing her versatility across various genres.
Srinidhi will be seen romancing the versatile Sidhu Jonnalagadda in Telusu Kada, a contemporary love story that promises a refreshing on-screen chemistry. According to a source, “The director of Telusu Kada was looking for an actress who is both a familiar face and has a fresh screen presence opposite Sidhu Jonnalagadda. Srinidhi fit the bill perfectly, and the film is shaping up to be a new-age love story.”
But that’s not all! Srinidhi will also star opposite Rana Daggubati in an upcoming supernatural thriller produced by Arka Media Works, the powerhouse behind Baahubali. “She has a role with substance in this spooky film,” shares a source. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for her to showcase her acting prowess in a genre that’s both thrilling and unconventional.”
Adding to her impressive lineup, Srinidhi will play a significant role in HIT 3, the much-anticipated sequel in the popular investigative cop drama series. Here, she will be seen as the love interest of Nani, with a character arc that promises depth and intensity.
“Signing projects alongside some of the most sought-after actors like Sidhu Jonnalagadda, Nani, and Rana Daggubati, Srinidhi is definitely making all the right moves as she embarks on this exciting journey in Telugu cinema,” feels an industry insider.
Srinidhi’s transition into Telugu cinema has been nothing short of spectacular, and fans are eagerly awaiting her performances in these intriguing roles.
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