Tollywood Megastar Chiranjeevi has etched his name in the annals of cinema history by entering the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records. Renowned for his illustrious career spanning 45 years, Chiranjeevi has set a remarkable record of executing an astonishing 24,000 dance steps across 537 songs featured in 156 films. The Guinness Book representatives bestowed upon him the esteemed title of the ‘Most Profiled Star of Indian Cinema,’ recognizing his unparalleled contributions to the film industry.
The grand ceremony, held on Sunday, September 23, witnessed Bollywood icon Aamir Khan lauding Chiranjeevi for his outstanding achievements. Expressing his deep admiration, Khan referred to Chiranjeevi as his elder brother and a source of inspiration. The event culminated with Khan presenting the coveted award to the Megastar, who graciously accepted the honor with humility and gratitude.
Chiranjeevi’s magnetic presence and extraordinary dancing prowess have captivated audiences for decades, earning him a well-deserved reputation as an entertainment icon. Aamir Khan commended Chiranjeevi’s relentless passion for his craft and his unwavering commitment to entertaining his legion of fans. Khan’s heartfelt words underscored the profound impact Chiranjeevi has had on the world of cinema.
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