The Andhra Pradesh government has begun distributing free ration kits to individuals affected by the floods in Vijayawada city and its suburbs. On Friday, Civil Supplies Minister Nadendla Manohar, Agriculture Minister K. Atchennaidu, Tourism Minister Kandula Durgesh, and Vijayawada MP Kesineni Sivanath (Chinni) officially launched the distribution from BRTS Road in the city.
Minister Manohar announced that, following directives from Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu and Deputy Chief Minister K. Pawan Kalyan, the civil supplies and marketing departments are jointly providing each flood-affected family with a 25-kg bag of rice, one kg of sugar, dal, cooking oil, and two kg of onions and potatoes.
“Approximately 1,100 MDU vehicles and thousands of staff from across the state are involved in this distribution effort,” Manohar stated. He noted that efforts have been made to distribute these ration kits to 70,000 people on the first day. Additionally, Manohar assured that the kits will be given to families regardless of whether they possess Aadhaar or ration cards, with distribution based on the registration of their mobile numbers and personal details.
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