AP Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan recently commended Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy for his efforts in protecting government lands and ponds, particularly in light of the Budameru incident that led to floods in Vijayawada. During the discussion, Pawan Kalyan highlighted the significance of the Hydra initiative introduced by the Telangana government to safeguard public assets, emphasizing the need to address illegal constructions to prevent similar disasters.
Pawan Kalyan expressed appreciation for Revanth Reddy’s proactive stance in safeguarding the environment and suggested the implementation of measures akin to Hydra to combat illegal activities effectively. He stressed the importance of stringent enforcement of construction regulations to avert crises caused by unauthorized structures, advocating for the demolition of existing buildings within restricted zones with appropriate compensation.
Moreover, Pawan Kalyan underscored the necessity of bolstering bureaucratic mechanisms to streamline governance processes and enhance accountability in urban development. He urged for a humanitarian approach towards resolving issues related to unauthorized constructions, emphasizing the need for strict adherence to regulations to prevent future calamities.
In reference to the Budameru disaster, Pawan Kalyan attributed the flooding to encroachments in the area and lauded Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu’s dedication and hands-on approach in managing the crisis effectively. He commended Naidu’s active involvement in relief efforts and cautioned against unwarranted criticism, encouraging political leaders to engage constructively in relief activities before levying accusations.
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