The Vijayawada One Town police have detained two individuals following a boat collision at Prakasam Barrage, which authorities are treating as a suspected case of sabotage. On September 2, five boats from the upstream Krishna river veered towards the Prakasam barrage, colliding with its pillars during the early hours. This incident caused damage to the barrage’s counterweight, which was subsequently repaired by the state government on Monday.
The arrested persons, identified as Vakkalagadda Ushadri and Komati Ram Mohan from Gollapudi and Surayapalem in the NTR district respectively, have been transferred to Vijayawada sub-jail. A magistrate court has remanded them in judicial custody until September 20. Acting on a complaint lodged by Irrigation executive engineer Krishna Rao, the One-Town police have filed a case under sections 125 and 326(b) of the BNS Act, with suspicions pointing towards sabotage by the irrigation department.
Investigations revealed that three of the five boats involved in the collision with gate €9 belonged to Ushadri, one of the arrested individuals. Meanwhile, a political dispute has arisen between the ruling TD and the opposition YSRC, with allegations of connections to the detained individuals. The TD claims that Komati Fam Mohan and Ushadri have ties to YSRC MLC Talasila Raghuram and former Bapatla MP Nandigam Suresh, releasing photos to support their claims.
On the other hand, the YSRC has countered with photos showing Ushadri meeting Minister N. Lokesh, while also alleging that Komati Ram Mohan is related to TD NRI wing president Komati Jayaram.
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