The mortal remains of Pilli Phani Kumar, who tragically passed away in Canada on December 14, are set to arrive at his family home in Gajuwaka on January 6 (Monday). His family has announced that the last rites will be performed on January 7 (Tuesday).
Phani Kumar, a native of Gajuwaka, had traveled to Canada to pursue higher studies at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary. His untimely death due to cardiac arrest has left his family and loved ones devastated.
Speaking about their loss, Phani Kumar’s father, Naga Prasad, and mother, Gitabhai, expressed deep grief over the tragic event. The family has been making arrangements to bring his body back to India, a process that involved extensive coordination with authorities in Canada and India.
Phani Kumar’s aspiration to achieve academic excellence and build a bright future abroad has been cut short, leaving his family and the Gajuwaka community in mourning. Local residents and well-wishers are expected to gather to pay their final respects to Phani Kumar during the last rites ceremony.
The family has requested privacy during this difficult time as they come to terms with their heartbreaking loss.
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