The recent flooding in Vijayawada caused by unprecedented rainfall left the city in a state of chaos. However, as the waters recede, normal conditions have gradually returned to the city. Roads and buildings, once submerged under floodwaters, now appear tidy and accessible.
Despite the visible improvements, a sense of unease lingers as rumors of another flood targeting the Budameru area began to circulate among the residents of Vijayawada. Minister Narayana moved swiftly to dispel these rumors, assuring the public that there are no plans to breach the Budameru dam again. He emphasized that there is no cause for alarm and urged people not to succumb to fearmongering.
Echoing the Minister’s sentiments, the Vijayawada Collector issued a stern warning against spreading false information about the Budameru dam. He reassured the community that there is no imminent threat of flooding in the area and vowed to take action against those responsible for propagating baseless rumors.
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