In a heartwarming display of solidarity, prominent figures from the Telugu film industry have come forward to support the flood victims in the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Movie stars including Ai Movie Unit, Kalki producers, NTR, Vishwak Sen, Sidhu Jonnalagadda, and superstar Mahesh Babu have generously donated to the Chief Minister’s relief funds to aid those affected by the devastating floods.
The recent heavy rains in the region have caused rivers to swell, leading to widespread flooding in low-lying areas such as Khammam and Vijayawada. The local population is grappling with the aftermath of the natural disaster, with many facing severe challenges and disruptions to their daily lives.
Notable personalities like director Trivikram, producers S. Radhakrishna, and S Nagavanshi have also extended their support by contributing to the relief efforts in both states. Additionally, Nandamuri Natasimha Balakrishna has pledged a significant sum towards the cause, expressing his hopes for a swift recovery and restoration of normalcy in the affected regions.
The collective efforts of these celebrities reflect a sense of community and compassion, showcasing the power of unity in times of crisis. Their contributions serve as a beacon of hope for the flood-affected population, demonstrating that together, we can overcome challenges and rebuild stronger than before.
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