Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has announced that Operation Budameru will be undertaken in Visakhapatnam, emphasizing its significance for the NDA alliance. In recent discussions with Union Minister Kumaraswamy, plans were made to allocate funds to advance the steel plant and safeguard it from privatization.
Addressing the media, Chandrababu extended assistance to flood victims, outlining a comprehensive relief package. Financial aid will be distributed across 179 secretariats, with amounts ranging from Rs. 25,000 per house to specific support for small traders based on turnover criteria.
Furthermore, Chandrababu detailed the allocation of funds for various sectors, including transportation, fishing, and agriculture, to aid those affected by the recent floods. The relief efforts aim to alleviate the economic burden on individuals and businesses impacted by the natural calamity.
Looking ahead, Operation Budameru is set to commence soon, with plans to address encroachments in the area and enhance the overall infrastructure. The upcoming Cabinet meeting will focus on strategic discussions to streamline the operation effectively.
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