In a shocking revelation, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has accused the previous government of tarnishing the sanctity of the famed Tirumala Laddu offered to Lord Venkanna at Tirumala. Chandrababu alleged that instead of using pure ghee, animal oil was used in the preparation of the sacred laddoos, causing distress among devotees.
The issue has stirred a wave of discontent among worshippers who hold the laddu prasadam in high regard. The recent claims by the CM have shed light on the inferior quality of ingredients used in the past, prompting swift action to rectify the situation.
In response to the revelation, the NDA government, under Chandrababu’s leadership, has taken steps to ensure the purity of the laddu prasadam by sourcing quality ghee from reputable suppliers. The decision to procure Nandini Ghee from the Karnataka Milk Federation marks a significant move towards restoring faith in the revered offering.
Furthermore, efforts are being made to enhance the overall quality of Anna Prasad distributed at Tirumala, reflecting a commitment to upholding the sacred traditions associated with the temple. Despite these measures, the lingering allegations of animal fat contamination have fueled demands for a thorough investigation and accountability.
Aside from the laddu controversy, CM Chandrababu Naidu has also announced a substantial relief fund of 350 crores in response to recent floods, calling for solidarity and support from political leaders like Janasena president Pawan Kalyan and AP BJP president Purandhareshwari. The plea for NDA MLAs to contribute a month’s salary to the relief fund underscores the urgency of the situation and the need for collective action.
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