The Tirumala Srivari Laddu Prasadam has become the center of attention in Andhra Pradesh following CM Chandrababu’s remarks about the alleged use of animal fat in the laddoos during the YCP regime. The issue escalated when the NDDB CALF Lab confirmed the presence of animal fat in the ghee used for the Tirupati Laddu. The laddu underwent testing on July 8, 2024, and the lab’s report, released on July 17, revealed a list of various ingredients including soybean, poddu tirugudu, olive, wheat bean, corn, cotton seed, fish oil, animal fat, palm oil, and pork fat in the laddu.
TDP senior leader Anam Venkataramana Reddy took action by presenting the lab report to the media, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation into the adulterated ghee in the Tirumala Venkanna Swamy Prasadam. He warned those responsible for the scandal that they would face consequences.
Anam Venkataramana Reddy also questioned the ghee tender contracts, highlighting the disparity between the cost of quality ghee and the tender prices set by the YSRCP government.
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