On Tuesday morning, a series of devastating landslides struck Kerala’s hilly district of Wayanad, triggered by a cloudburst and relentless rainfall. The disaster resulted in a minimum of 125 fatalities, 450 injuries, and numerous individuals missing, likely trapped beneath debris. This tragic event brings back memories of the catastrophic floods in 2018 that claimed nearly 500 lives. The death toll is anticipated to climb as rescue operations persist.
The landslides, caused by heavy rains, occurred in various areas including Meppadi, Mundakkai town, and Chooral Mala. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan informed the media that the landslides happened at 2 am and 4.15 am, causing extensive damage. A vital bridge linking Chooralmala and Mundakkai was destroyed, isolating these regions. Over 200 houses in Mudakkai town were damaged, and significant portions of Chooralmala village were swept away in the massive landslide. Numerous shops, vehicles, the Government Vocational Higher Secondary School at Vellarmala, and several houses in Attamala were also washed away.
The Army and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) have been deployed by the Centre to assist in the rescue and relief efforts. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged full support from the central government to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. Gandhi and senior Congress leaders, including Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, are set to visit Wayanad on Wednesday. Union Home Minister Amit Shah has also committed to providing ongoing support from the Central government.
The epicenter of the landslides, Mundakkai, received 572 mm of rainfall in 48 hours. Officials reported that the area experienced 200 mm of rain in the initial 24 hours and a substantial 372 mm in the following 24 hours. Chooralmala, located six km from the epicenter, bore the brunt of the landslides. The overflowing rivers originating from Meppadi slopes resulted in the landslide bringing down rocks and mud, burying people, homes, and vehicles downhill.
The heavy to extremely heavy rainfall in environmentally sensitive areas along the Western Ghat region over the last 24 hours exacerbated the situation. More than 400 families in Mundakkai were cut off from the outside world following the collapse of a bridge at Cane Hill. Sixteen bodies, all victims of landslides in Wayanad district, were discovered in various parts of the Chaliyar river in Malappuram on Tuesday.
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