In a groundbreaking move to enhance safety and prevent missing children cases, the city police of Visakhapatnam introduced Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology during the Indian Navy’s Operational Demonstration at Beach Road on Saturday.
Tech-Savvy Safety Measures
As part of the initiative, police issued QR code tags to children attending the event. These tags contained essential details, including:
- Child’s Name
- Parent/Guardian Information
- Emergency Contact Numbers
Upon entry, parents provided their details, which were linked to the tags tied to their children’s wrists. If a child went missing during the event, the QR code could be scanned, allowing immediate access to the stored information and swift reunification with their family.
Impact of the Initiative
This tech-driven initiative ensured the safety of over 2,000 children who attended the high-profile event. The presence of these tags alleviated parents’ concerns and set a precedent for future large-scale gatherings in the city.
Police Leadership Speaks
Police Commissioner Shankabratha Bagchi emphasized the innovative approach, stating,
“This is the first time we have utilized technology to ensure there are no missing cases of children. This initiative reflects our commitment to safety and efficiency.”
Future Implications
The success of this RFID-based initiative not only highlights Visakhapatnam’s focus on leveraging technology for public safety but also provides a scalable model for other cities to adopt during mass gatherings.
Visakhapatnam police’s innovative use of RFID technology at the Indian Navy Operational Demo is a significant step forward in ensuring the safety of children. This initiative serves as a model for how technology can effectively address critical public safety challenges.
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