Agriculture Minister K. Atchannaidu, Finance Minister Payyavula Keshav, and Civil Supplies Minister Nadendla Manohar have instructed officials to ensure justice for farmers who have suffered crop losses due to recent natural disasters. They emphasized the need to implement a crop insurance scheme for all farmers in the state and indicated that the alliance government would assess the application of this scheme for mango farmers.
The ministers conducted a review meeting with agriculture and horticulture officials at the Secretariat on Monday. Following the meeting, they informed the media that, in line with directives from the Union Government, the state should adopt an effective crop insurance scheme. They criticized the previous government for undermining the crop insurance program over the last five years.
The three ministers discussed the implementation of the crop insurance scheme, focusing on yield and weather conditions, stating that “methods for implementing the scheme are currently being considered.” They also mentioned that a detailed report has been submitted to Chief Minister Naidu.
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