Sonam Kapoor recently posted an Instagram video showcasing her daily meals, offering a peek into her lifestyle. The Aisha actress appears to focus...
Our VizagJuly 22, 2024Devi Kumari, a young woman from Banavanur village in Aspari mandal, Kurnool district, has received financial support from renowned Tollywood actor Sonu Sood...
Our VizagJuly 22, 2024The uterus serves many purposes beyond childbirth, and its removal can lead to various complications. Despite its functions, many women opt for hysterectomy...
Our VizagJuly 21, 2024On Saturday, the AP government announced G.O.Rt. No. 1288, facilitating the transfers and postings of 62 IAS officers in a major reorganization. Ch....
Our VizagJuly 21, 2024